Giving Europe its spirit back

About us
We are a volunteer, non-governmental, non-profit alliance of citizens who share their respect for universal human values, European cultural and spiritual tradition stemming from the heritage which is antique, Judeo-Christian and humanistic. Members of the Association also share the conviction that family is the most important natural structure of the social system.

The main aims of the Association
Protecting and strengthening European cultural identity and spiritual tradition
Transmitting fundamental values of European culture to the young generation
Protecting natural family as the most important constituent of society
Increasing the prestige of parenting
Protecting the freedom of thought, conscience and religion in all spheres of social life
Protecting scientific and educational activities from ideological interventions

Activities of the Association
Raising awareness, publication and educational activities;
Organising conferences, seminars and lectures at the national as well as international levels
Participating in consultation processes and in administrative and other procedures concerning the issues of family, parenting and the freedom of thought, conscience and religion
Communicating with political representatives at the national as well as international levels
Organising campaigns, consultations and petitions

We want to give Europe its spirit back.
We are convinced that the beautiful idea of a harmonious and yet dynamic togetherness of the EU nations cannot survive as a bureaucratic and organisational construct.
Without putting our heart into it, we are not willing to make sacrifices.
Without a willingness to make sacrifices, nothing can be protected, not cultivated