Giving Europe its spirit back

Constitution of the Association “Central European Inspiration”,
registered association

Article 1
Name, legal form and registered office

The registered association Central European Inspiration (hereafter the Association) is a legal entity set up in accordance with the Act no. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended. The Association has its registered office in Prague.

Article 2
Description of the Association

The Association is a volunteer, non-governmental, non-profit alliance of citizens who share their respect for universal human values, European cultural and spiritual tradition stemming from the heritage which is antique, Judeo-Christian and humanistic. Members of the Association also share the conviction that family is the most important natural structure of the social system.

Article 3
Main aims of the Association

The main aims of the Association are as follows:
a) Protecting and strengthening European cultural identity and spiritual tradition
b) Transmitting fundamental values of European culture to the young generation
c) Protecting the natural family as the most important constituent of society
d) Increasing the prestige of parenting
e) Protecting the freedom of thought, conscience and religion in all spheres of social life
f) Protecting scientific and educational activities from ideological interventions.

Article 4
Activities of the Association

Activities of the Association include but are not limited to:
a) Raising awareness, publication and educational activities
b) Organising conferences, seminars and lectures at the national as well as the international level;
c) Participating in consultation processes and in administrative and other procedures concerning the issues of family, parenting and the freedom of thought, conscience and religion
d) Communicating with political representatives at the national as well as the international level
e) Organising campaigns, consultations and petitions.

Article 5
Membership in the Association

1. Membership in the Association is open to natural persons of over 16 years of age with permanent residence in the EU.
2. Membership begins on the day when the Board of the Association decides on the admission of the applicant based on his/her written application. Such application must include: the applicant's name and surname, permanent residence, preferably also phone number and e-mail address, date of submission of the application and the applicant's signature.
3. The Board of the Association shall decide on admission at the next Board meeting after the date of application submission.
4. A founding member of the Association is a natural person who takes part in setting up the Association.
5. The rights of members of the Association include but are not limited to: participating in all activities of the Association, elect the Board of the Association and be elected to this body, assessing and approving reports on the Association's activities, putting forward proposals, comments and suggestions as to the Association's activities.
6. Obligations of the Association's members include but are not limited to: comply with the Association's Constitution, defend the interests and values of the Association, pay the membership fees as determined by the membership meeting, inform the authorised representative about any changes in the information given in the application.

Article 6
Cessation of membership

The membership shall cease based on the member's notice of terminating his/her membership in the Association, upon death, by the Board of the Association expelling a member for breaching this Constitution and also in case the member does not participate in three successive membership meetings without apology.

Membership in the Association shall also be automatically terminated in case of failure to pay the membership fee, even in a 30 day additional period.

Article 7
The bodies of the Association

The membership meeting
1. The highest body of the Association is the membership meeting, which convenes at least once a year in order to:
a) approve possible changes to this Constitution,
b) elect the Board of the Association consisting of at least three members for a five year term, or, as the case may be, dismiss the Board,
c) approve the report on the Association's activities and the report on financial management for the previous period,
d) determine the strategy for the Association's activities for the next period,
e) determine the amount of membership fees,
f) approve the budget of the Association for the next period,
g) vote for honorary members of the Association,
h) decide on the dissolution of the Association with its liquidation or on its transformation.
2. The session of the membership meeting is convened by the Board of the Association. The meeting has a quorum if the majority of members are present. If the meeting does not have a quorum, the Board of the Association shall convene a substitute meeting within one month from the date of the original meeting; this substitute meeting has a quorum irrespective of the number of members present.
3. A membership meeting shall also be convened in the case that one third of the Association's members request its convention.
4. The membership meeting makes decisions by a majority vote of the members present. Decisions on the dissolution of the Association or its transformation are made by a qualified majority.

The Board of the Association
5. The statutory body of the Association is the Board of the Association, which shall run the activities of the Association between membership meetings. The Board of the Association elects from among its members a chair and a vice-chair. The Board of the Association also has the authority to remove the chair and/or the vice-chair.
6. The Board of the Association has three members. Its term is five years. The Board of the Association convenes as needed. The Board of the Association can make decisions if more than 50% of Board members are present and at the same time the chair is present. A decision is approved if a majority of the Board members present vote for it.
7. In case of resignation, dismissal or death of a member of the Board of the Association, the chair of the Board of the Association shall, within 60 days, convene a membership meeting which ensures that the vacancy in the Board is filled.
8. The chair of the Board of the Association represents the Association in all matters. His/her term is of five years. The chair is elected by the Board of the Association.

Article 8
Financial management of the Association

1. The Association shall manage funds obtained from membership fees in the amount approved by the membership meeting, from potential donations from natural persons and/or legal entities and from any grants obtained. Funds shall be spent solely on actions connected with the aims of the Association's activities and shall be duly substantiated by accountable receipts.
2. The Board of the Association shall report the results of financial management to members of the Association at the annual membership meeting.
3. In case of dissolution of the Association its assets after liquidation shall be transferred to another legal entity with similar activities.

Article 9
Final provisions and initial representatives

1. Any matter not covered by this Constitution shall be governed by generally binding legislation.
2. The first members of the Board of the Association for a five-year term are:
Mgr. Nina Nováková, birth registration number 545314/2992, with permanent residence at Tyršova 698/7, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem – Stará Boleslav,
Doc. Dr. iur. Harald Christian Scheu, Mag. Phil., Ph.D., birth registration number 690701/9955, with permanent residence at Národní obrany 821/41, 160 00 Praha 6,
Mgr. Michael Heres, born on 23rd September 1981, with permanent residence at Řeznická 661/19, 110 00 Praha 1.
3. The first chair of the Board of the Association is Mgr. Nina Nováková, born on 14th March 1954 and the first vice-chair of the Board of the Association is Mgr. Michael Heres, born on 23rd September 1981.
4. The undersigned founders of the Association agreed on the contents of this Constitution on 2nd August 2017. The legal existence of the Association begins upon its registration in the Associations Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague.

In Prague on 20th August 2017

Mgr. Nina Nováková
doc. Harald Christian Scheu
Mgr. Michael Heres